Intelligent Technology (2024 Fall): News on AI

Instructor (Physical): Professor John Sum, Institute of Technology Management
Office/Email: Room 821, CSSM Building / (for general enquiries)
Time: Friday 18:40-21:30 (with one 10-minutes break)
Course Venue: Room 319, CSSM Building
Course Email: (for assignments submission)
Course URL:
Consultation: By appointment

  1. Nobel Prize.
  2. Biological plausible neuronal model restricts the development of application-oriented algorithms.
  3. AI assistant.
  4. Image processing and object recognition.
  5. Fake video. (Video + Image => Video)
  6. Large language models.
  7. Use of AI tools for the work of a youtuber.
  8. Firms/Labs/Conferences/Talks.
  9. Robot Soccer Competition.
  10. Radio Broadcast.
  11. Societal Issues.